I'm on my knees
My body is trembling
My heart is racing
Tears are flowing
The pain is searing
H is sleeping....
Rage is building
Control I seek
Chaos reigns
My head spinning
Peace, mercy, grace, strength I pray for Silence I receive..
This is a test...
The TEACHER is quiet during tests
At the altar I kneel with choices laid before me, unsure of which to choose...
Trust is broken never to be perfect again The loss is immeasurable...
Why do I even entertain any idea of love with someone who hurts me so greatly...
How can I stay, when to look at you is pain?
My heart screams "I can't do this anymore" and the words reach my lips.
With tear-soaked cheeks I feel the reality of my words. Am I truly giving up this time?
I flash back to the kindness in your face a few days prior but to look at your cold stare
now sends chills through my body.
Who are you? I am in agony, yet you are hard as stone, emotionless and numb.
The tears start again as my thoughts start to spin, and I blurt out "I don't even know you."
It's true, it's true. Oh my! Who are you? I can't keep doing this again and again!
I cry from the deepest part of me, and still you sit there and stare. What is wrong with you?!?!
You cannot help me! If only you loved me as much as you love yourself.
I'm broken, lying on the floor so unspoken. You're rude without knowing.
One second you are there, and the next are gone.
Cruel and uncaring, time goes by, and I am still alone.
So uncaring; afraid to let me know what was going on.
And now we are staring into endless, unhappiness, pain.
Tiffany (2016)
I didn't even know I lived near a fault line, so it was completely unexpected when the earthquake shook my world. I was just walking along when I felt a slight tremor. I looked around, but everything seemed to be okay, so I kept walking. Then there was a violent shaking, the ground was unstable, huge cracks formed and I thought I might fall into one. It grew even worse, more violent, buildings crashing around me and even on me. As I crawled from beneath the rubble, I saw so much destruction. It was difficult to comprehend the extent of the damage.
Buildings I had thought were indestructible were leveled. These structures were important, vital parts of my life: trust, purity in marriage, honesty, security. Some other buildings were badly damaged: self-esteem, respect. Oddly, some new structures had been formed, but they were hideous. It was excruciating just to look at them: betrayal, questioning, adultery, deception, physical danger. Some buildings still stood strong, and they were the ones that gave me the strength to go on: God, faith, love, children, friends.
It's been days since the earthquake. I'm rebuilding now. The new foundation has been laid for trust. Repairs are being made to self-esteem and respect. I spend much time working on these, and seeing them becoming stronger is encouraging to me. However, sometimes I hear a noise or see movement in the area where the new, terrible structures arose. I look in that direction and think that I need to tear those down, but they look strong, and it could take a while. I'll need to get stronger before I can completely destroy them, and even then, some of them will probably always remain.
Sometimes, I glance back at the buildings I can't rebuild: purity in marriage, and I ache. Such an emptiness. I never thought that one would go. Others are missing too, I know they are, but I cannot name them right now. I just feel their absence. Sometimes, it's dark, and it's hard to work in the dark because I can't see what I'm doing.
Now I wonder what the future holds. Will I rebuild only to have another earthquake? I don't think I could do it again. I think the cracks would be too large, and I'd fall in. I want to believe that we've moved, that we're no longer near that fault line. I want to believe that, but my trust building in still under construction.
It's strange the feelings that emerge. Sometimes I'm happy to see how strong the love is, to see how the new building will be even more beautiful than the old. Sometimes I'm sad to see the ones I've lost and can never get back. Sometimes I'm angry for those ugly buildings that are always lurking there, mocking me. But usually, I'm somewhere in between.
I don't want to look back. I just want to rebuild. I want my world to be better than it was before. I want the ground to be steady. I want love unshakable and growing. Someday, I want my children to look at the work I've done and be proud. Someday, I want to look next to me and see my husband's world, not dim, not murky, but crystal clear. I want to see his world clean, no litter on the streets, no thieves hiding behind corners, all the lights on in the buildings. I want to see his love, faith, honesty, self-esteem, relationship with God, loyalty to me and family, happiness, all standing strong and everlasting.
Kelly (2003)
Broken heart, tattered dreams
The trust I gave, trampled
The Love of my heart
Held mine in his hand
He tossed it aside
So his mind could wander
The dream that only I filled his eyes is shattered
Myself a pathetic comparison to where his gaze has been
Desolate, aching heart, throbbing sorrow
As the reality of my inadequacy sinks in
It had always been too good to be true
That he should prefer me above all others
But this truth is harsh and merciless
Shredding my fantasy into the dust along with my crushed heart
How to entrust my bruised & battered self worth again?
Shame, mortification at the thought of baring my flawed form and wounded heart again
Yet the thought of the loss of him is devastation in my soul
How to fix cracks in our hearts and relationship?
Even in its despondency my heart longs for him
Longing for the dream
The dream that I am his beauty and only fulfillment
Will I ever sleep in that sweet bliss again?
Through the grief, my heart crawls back to him
Afraid to hope yet yearning for home
He is my home
Teresa M (2017)
One less plate at the table
One less pillow on the bed
One less tooth brush in the bathroom
One less goodnight before bed
one less car in the driveway
one less voice in the hall
one less I love you
one less phonecall
One less tender moment
One less hug and kiss
One less shoulder to cry on
One less - the one I miss
One more night alone
One more tear to cry
One more day of wondering
One more question Why?
One more heart is broken
One more asks for prayer
One more prayer is answered
for new life partners is there.
One less person hopeless
One less day alone
One more heart is healing
because of the love you've shown.
Debbie S (2008)
She sat there at the darkly polished dining room table, her reflection mirrored on its surface, in the middle of the great room, the beamed ceiling high above her, the fans lazily circling, pushing the warm air past her cheek. Her hands were folded on her lap, head bent, hair falling loosely across her face, obscuring her vision.
One would think it odd to sit just so. No curtains at the windows. Windows all round. French doors thirty feet across the room. Totally exposed.
And yet, here she sat. She glanced down, not wanting to look, but her eyes traveled there unwillingly. Totally naked she sat there. As if it were the natural thing to do.
The fact that she thought it natural was even odder. Although, her head was bowed for a reason. She was paying her dues. It was necessary, demanded really.
It was the only way to regain the peace. To stop the silence. That killing silence. It worked every time. Always paying for something, she thought. Well she would pay the price. It wasn't really her anyway. She wasn't really here. She was up there. On the ceiling. Looking down at this woman sitting naked in the middle of the day at the dining room table.
What was it this time? She couldn't remember. Maybe it was something she wore that wasn't quite right. Probably something she said or didn't say. Yes, that was it. It was usually the same thing. Just different versions.
So, this was the price. Stripped of all her defenses. A catharsis. She would pay his penance for him. He would be absolved. She was the Christ. He was the sinner. And everything would return to normal.
It was a good fix. Maybe one week or two, if she was lucky. Well, it was better than nothing. Two weeks of peace. Casual conversation. Sit together in church. Attend social functions. Smile. Return home. An uncomfortable truce.
Close her eyes and float away. It was just a body anyway. Really. He couldn't have her mind. He wanted it. She was certain of that. She could endure. She would survive.
She was certain.
I am not a victim,
I have a voice.
I have a purpose,
God gave me the freedom of choice.
No longer will I sit here, paralyzed, willfully choosing to feel victimized.
I'm letting go of my painful past,
To embrace the best God has.
He promised to use the pain,
He promised none of it's in vain.
He's called me to a higher standard,
He's requiring of me to live a life wholly surrendered.
My hope is found in Him alone,
He is the one who sits on the throne.
My God said it would not be easy,
But He also promised that He would never leave me.
I choose to trust although I'm scared,
He promised to carry every single burden I bear.
The Bible says Joy comes in the morning,
But first I must accept the love he's freely outpouring.
I'm taking back the power I gave away,
Making room for His blessing and letting go of the pain.
My purpose in life is to be a beacon of light,
He's given me a story to remind others they must fight!
Melissa Wilson (2017)